Top Think Tanks and Social Science Research Institutes in Europe 2013

Top Think Tanks and Social Science Research Institutes in Europe 2013

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Whether you’re looking for a summer internship, your first postgraduate job or a change in career, gaining experience in a think tank or research institute is always a good way to go. While some think tanks engage in highly specialized research on specific topics, many span a broad range of issues, particularly in the fields of politics, economics and international relations. We’ve decided to dedicate three distinct blog posts to top think tanks around the world, beginning with this list of European institutions. Keep an eye out for upcoming posts on U.S. and Latin American institutions.

In addition to offering possible job opportunities, the work currently undertaken by these top-notch research institutes can be extremely helpful for students and professionals alike. Often think tanks produce the kind of poignant, up-to-date research not to be found in either mass media or peer-reviewed journals.

As with most of our lists, this is by no means an exhaustive account of all the praiseworthy institutes across Europe. We aim to offer a compact yet diverse list of well-renowned institutions from across the continent, arranged alphabetically by country rather than according to any kind of ranking.

To take a look at the many other institutions with jobs, conferences and other listings on offer, head to the INOMICS website here. Additionally, please share your experiences with others by leaving a review on theINOMICS website for any institute where you have worked, studied or interned!

Photo credit: Andrea Ciambra


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